Monday, July 1, 2013

We Can Do This !!!

Oh my gosh, those are raccoon eyes staring down from that tree. Tried to take a picture of the little critter, and this is what came out. Creepy...
I spent today on the phone and doing laundry. I called a plumber, and the cable company, and the appliance repair tech hotline. Why do these phone calls take up so much time???
I also washed every fabric item in the house. I washed all of the drapes, and blankets, and rugs;  not to mention a couple loads of clothes and towels.
Terry went to the house after work and handled the plumber. One hour and $300 later, we have a working kitchen sink. Thanks to "Gary the Plumber", a local guy who came right out, and who Terry liked very much.
Cable guys coming on Wednesday...
Still waiting for a return call on the refrigerator...
and my favorite realtor is on holiday.
Crazy as we are, we're still shooting for a July 4th moving day. Sandy just announced that she's going up north with a friend for the five day holiday. So, it will be up to Kevin to babysit the dogs during the move.
Can we really pull this off???

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