Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bricks and Rocks

Today, we dodged raindrops, but it was perfect working weather, cool and cloudy.
I planted the Weigela, and finished the border.

I also planted the Hibiscus and transplanted some Hostas, while Terry hung a back porch light and some motion lights on the garage.

We researched these bricks online. They are 100 years old, made in Detroit by local brick makers. They all have the name of the company on them. I'm not sure why they were buried in this backyard, but I love them, and they make a really cool border.

This whole property is covered with rocks. I have been told by several people (including the Mayor) that the original owner, Mr. Schoenherr travelled all over the state collecting these treasures. This pile of unassuming rocks is just a portion of the Petoskey stones I have found.
I am running around this yard like a kid on her birthday, digging up river rocks and Petoskey stones. I must look like a lunatic, but I just love rocks.

Here's a whole bunch of them that I have gathered into beds along the side of the house...

Here's some more...

Petoskey stones, river rocks, and bricks. Oh my...

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