Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Men in My Life

First things first... a miracle did happen, as I figured out that a switch was flipped on my giant TV, and when I hit it, the TV popped right on. Whew.
Here's the truck that Terry borrowed from work for the move. Thanks to EQ Base for saving us a few bucks...

Too bad, Terry took out the side mirror on the Cadillac while he was trying to back the truck into the driveway. Our favorite new motto; one step forward, two steps back.

Returned the truck to his workplace.

Locked it up, got a pizza, and went home to stiffen up.
A special thanks this weekend to Luke and his friend Logan (for eight hours of solid work), Nick (the muscle), Kevin (for doing some heavy duty dog babysitting), and especially my sweetie pie (he makes everything possible).

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