Sunday, July 7, 2013

Living Like Country Folks

Oh my gosh, I caught him hanging laundry to dry.
We have no gas line yet, so we have no stove or dryer. He hooked up the washer, and ran a load of towels, and so, here he is, looking cute as ever.
With everything else we have going on, Shorty got sprayed by a skunk last night, and both of the dogs have fleas. We really don't have time for this much dog attention, but we are forced to change priorities. They both got flea baths and Shorty got special stink treatments. These dogs have been a nightmare over the last few days of moving. Roxy got out of the gate, forcing Terry to do some modifications. They have been under foot and on my lap, whining, needy, and freaked out, and keeping me up half the night. Thank goodness, Sandy is home from up north, to help out with them.
But the house still stinks !!!

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