Friday, October 21, 2016

Dollhouses... Really?

Too creepy...
A hawk went after a dove,
and it flew right into the back door.
This is the imprint it left on the glass.
The dove sat dazed on the sidewalk for a while,
and when I went to check on it,
it was gone.
Not sure if he flew away, or the hawk finished the job.....
but this picture is just eerie.

So, we have crossed over into new territory...
Found this old doll house at an estate sale for $20.
Turns out, it's twenty-five years old,
 and they sell these kits for hundreds of dollars.
This house was put together, but nothing more was done to it.
It probably sat in that basement all these years.
It was clean and dry, and we couldn't say no...
So this is our winter project.
We're going to fix up this old house,
 and maybe this will quiet my inner need
 to shop for a real new house.

This is gonna be fun...

Sunday, October 9, 2016

It Was a Good Day

Plenty has been going on around here,
not just buying pumpkins...
Terry quit his job on 9/27/2016
 and started his new job on 9/28/2016.
So far, so good.
He seems much happier.

Nature has returned to our little backyard in abundance...
Petey is back, along with a couple of his friends (or children), we think.
Finches, and cardinals, and woodpeckers,
and this nasty guy.
This Bluejay is stealing Petey's nuts right off the table.
Amazing to watch.

Ooh, I'm so mad this picture came out blurry.
Today we went downtown to the Motor City Casino,
 and Terry ran into an old friend,
 who happens to work there.
Nice guy, and he gave us restaurant comps...
Oh my gosh,
we stuffed ourselves.
It was a good day.
It was the best day...