Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rainy Day

The pile keeps growing. These are all Petoskey stones...
Oh my, what am I going to do with all of these gems?

The rain would not let up this evening, so Terry and I did some tedious indoor jobs.
New towel bar and toilet paper holder in the little half bath upstairs...

and some "behind the door" mirrors in a couple of rooms.
Rainy days aren't bad, once in a while.

Monday, July 29, 2013


The excitement here is a new working porch light. Yeah.

Terry's getting ready for another big garbage day.

The Petoskey stone pile keeps growing.

Excavating 50 years worth of stone collecting.

So much garbage...

Terry is finally making some headway with the mess in the garage. 

And finally, the most exciting thing that I have found, ever... A touch lamp. Touch the base, and it turns on a soft glow, touch it again, it gets brighter, touch it again, and it lights up the room. When you want to turn it off, touch it, and it turns off. Amazing. I want one in every room.
My living room had no lighting in it, so I was going to buy one of those bulky floor lamps... surprise, surprise, this little lamp does the job.
Today was a good day.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bricks and Rocks

Today, we dodged raindrops, but it was perfect working weather, cool and cloudy.
I planted the Weigela, and finished the border.

I also planted the Hibiscus and transplanted some Hostas, while Terry hung a back porch light and some motion lights on the garage.

We researched these bricks online. They are 100 years old, made in Detroit by local brick makers. They all have the name of the company on them. I'm not sure why they were buried in this backyard, but I love them, and they make a really cool border.

This whole property is covered with rocks. I have been told by several people (including the Mayor) that the original owner, Mr. Schoenherr travelled all over the state collecting these treasures. This pile of unassuming rocks is just a portion of the Petoskey stones I have found.
I am running around this yard like a kid on her birthday, digging up river rocks and Petoskey stones. I must look like a lunatic, but I just love rocks.

Here's a whole bunch of them that I have gathered into beds along the side of the house...

Here's some more...

Petoskey stones, river rocks, and bricks. Oh my...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Holly Plants... A Bad Choice

Lot's of work to do in the front yard... Terry and Lucas worked on digging out multiple Holly shrubs along the property line.
Fifty years ago, someone thought it would be a great idea to put up a fence, and plant invasive, sharp leafed, giant rooted shrubs along the property division. They had no idea that decades later, we would be breaking our backs trying to get rid of this mess they created.

Another mess... they took out a giant Boxwood shrub by the backdoor, and an old, useless, and rotted wrought iron fence, on the back porch. The root system on this plant seemed to grow all the way to China, and I really don't think it will ever be completely eradicated. We did not finish this project today, but I will work on it some more tomorrow. I have a nice Weigela to plant here, and some more reclaimed bricks for the border.

Here's another mess... on the other side of the back door is a desert like patch of pebbles and rocks, weeds and more thorny Holly, and cracked mortar. This is where I would like a patio, but for now, I am forbidden to touch the area because the basement is leaking in this spot, and Terry has foundation excavation plans for this site. Okay, hands off...
 I am collecting all of the rocks on the property, and there is an abundance of them. In fact, I have announced that there are enough rocks on this property to keep me "happy rock hunting" for the rest of my life.

Too pretty to pass up, and on sale too. I am going to plant this Hibiscus in a sunny spot, and hope for the best. These plants are tropical; sometimes they thrive, and sometimes they just don't make it through the Winter. We'll find out...

They're still working...
Carry on.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Gardens and Disco Balls

Today was so nice, we worked outside again. We have been working on clearing out years, and years, of neglected English Ivy and old shrubs in the front of the house. It looks like the front of the house will be an ongoing project, as it is slow, and tedious, and back-breaking work.When we went to the local Home Depot, they didn't have much to offer, so I picked up a decorative grass and some Russian Sage to plant in the backyard. 

This tiny little bed under the dining room window gets lot's of sun. Terry dug up stumps and weeds, and then roto-tilled for me.

Then, I looked for treasures in my own backyard. These bricks were buried all over the yard. They are ancient, and still have original markings of the maker. Perfect recycled border material. These plants will fill in nicely over time, and will also be maintenance free.
My aim is one section of this mess of a yard at a time...

We came inside at dusk, and Terry finished hanging my disco ball light in the hallway upstairs.
 I LOVE IT !!!
It has clear beads all around it, and sets off a light pattern on the walls.
He said it was cool, but I never really know if he means it, or not.
He just loves me...
 and I keep forgetting to thank him for cleaning the laundry tub downstairs. 
Thank you sweetie pie.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's Not a Sprint, It's a Marathon

We have hit the wall (in marathon speak). We are so tired that we are dragging ourselves around like zombies. It's been six months since we bought this house, and from day one, it has been a marathon.
Now, we have officially moved in to the new house, and sold the old house, and even though there are a million jobs left to do, we are finding ourselves dragging, exhausted all the time, and napping frequently. Today's nap was not very restful, but that's a story for another day:)
Tonight, I painted the small entry hall to the living room. Now I'm out of paint, again...

Painted another shelf. Ugh, my hands are like lobster claws, stuck in a paintbrush holding position.
I finally got a good shot of the living room drapes (had to take it at night time). I am so in love with these drapes (cheap, from Walmart).

Terry is working on putting together shelving for the basement. One done, now we need about fifty more for all of our junk.

Back door hallway needs painting, and molding, and I need a new pair of hands.
Keep working...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

It's All in How You Spin It

I accepted a very good offer, and now it's time to say goodbye to my old house. My perfect house. My house, where I had everything just the way I wanted it (not really).
 The backyard was incredible, a deck, a garden, and plenty of room to roam (the sun baked the back of the house like a desert, the mowing was endless, and we always missed not having a garage).
The house was cozy, and perfect for our family (the house was too small, and we were tripping over each other trying to find private space). 
The neighborhood was lovely, and everyone kept it looking picturesque (the neighborhood was full of transients, walking to the park for drugs, littering, and casing homes for future robberies and car jackings).
I really loved my house, loved my neighbors, and loved my neighborhood (my house was never really what I wanted it to be, my neighbors were annoying, and I always felt the need to be on the lookout for crime, and kept the doors and windows locked at all times).
My new house has been challenging, to say the least. We joke that it is fighting us every step of the modernization, but we are winning.
(And I never feel unsafe here).
Carry on...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Suggestion to Teens... Become a Plumber

Took care of some pesky business yesterday. This stupid truck just sat there and sat there for two years. I tried to give it away... no one would take it. Now that the sale of the house is imminent, it must be dealt with. Lo and behold, my neighbor tells me he owns a junkyard, and he will give me $300 and tow it away. Thank you Paulie, and problem solved.

One problem solved, another problem pops back up. The damn plumbing in this house is turning out to be a nightmare. The kitchen sink clogged up again, and here we are, pulling out the dishwasher (thank goodness we haven't bolted it in yet), and emptying out under the sink.

Here I am, at eight o'clock in the morning, waiting for the plumber...

And here is the problem. This giant pipe, blah, blah, blah, clogs, and wrong turns, and needs to be modified, blah, blah, blah. Shame on "Gary the Plumber", for ripping us off for $300, and thanks to John & Dennis, from "All About Plumbing" for coming to the rescue. John came out last week and snaked the main drain out to the street. This time, he permanently fixed our kitchen pipe problem. Hopefully, we won't need to see this great guy again, although I did consider trying to fix him up with my daughter. She said no.
Important news on the old home front...
Put it on the market, and got full asking price offer, two days later.
Hmm... maybe I should have asked more ???

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's All in The Details

Finally. The screen door was one of our very first purchases, when we bought this house. Now, it is finally hung. I am positively pleased to keep the flies out.

Found this hook rack on the clearance aisle at Kmart. Real wood, and real steel hooks, for $10. Such a bargain, everyone got new bath towels too.

A project high on my priority list. Terry added shelves to the kitchen pantry for me. Now, I have great storage for extra kitchenware; crock pot, casseroles, and other assorted dishes.

THIS is a working refrigerator touch pad. The Frigidaire repairman came today and replaced the whole unit, and just like that, two weeks of complaining is over. He also aligned the doors, and stopped the inner drawers from squealing on their tracks. Yay. 

Next on the priority list is finishing off the drywall work on the old radiator holes in the living room. Last coat of plaster, a little sanding, then I can paint, and Terry can replace the molding.
When this is done, I need to figure out how to arrange the furniture in this weird living room. This is the most difficult living room I have ever tried to fit furniture in. No lay out seems to work, and I just can't find the right solution to this puzzle.  

Here's all the kitchen crap that I will shove into my newly shelved pantry space tomorrow.
It's all in the details now...
Carry on.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Busy Sunday

Finished cleaning up the old house today. That bathroom is cleaner than it ever was when we lived there...

Check out that basement. I would have crapped my pants if I ever saw a basement this nice, while I was house shopping.

The yard has been primped and preened, and the house is officially ready for sale.

Meanwhile, at the new house... Brother Bob and Terry finally ran the gas line for the stove and dryer. My first meal on the stove top was scrambled eggs, and my first load of laundry was everyone's underwear. Ha ha ha. I am just happy that my old washer and dryer made the move and still work...

Priority for tomorrow, setting up Sandy's treadmill. Bob helped Terry get it down into the basement. Man, why do these things weigh a thousand pounds ???
While the guys worked their magic in the house, I had a chance to sit with my favorite sister-in-law (Peggy) and enjoy some good chaise lounge conversation out in the backyard. It is the first time that I have actually sat still and enjoyed the new backyard for a little while. Thanks Peg, and thanks Bob, for always being a great big brother.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wedding Shower

Took the afternoon off today. The moving out/moving in process must stop when there is a wedding shower to attend. My nephew Ryan, and his cute future wife had their shower today, and I attended with my beautiful daughter, Sandy. I probably don't tell her enough, just how pretty she is... 

Not quite as pretty, but two great guys were there. Brother Bob (the groom's father), and his son Scott (always "Scotty" to me).

There they are, Ryan and Kim opening their gifts. They made out pretty well, they received some great household items to get started on their life together.

Here's my Aunt Kathy being silly. She showed her competitive side during a couple of the games. She said she wouldn't play, but could not help herself when things got heated...
Sandy ended up the big winner during the games though...
We enjoyed ourselves, and it was a lovely and relaxing afternoon, away from the hard labor I have been forced to endure lately.
Tomorrow, back to reality. Bob is coming to help out with some tough jobs, and I have to finish up readying the old house for sale.
Carry on...