Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Rain, The Art, and Other Things

Bad storms brought much rain the other night, and here comes the water. It comes in all around the foundation...

This little river became an ocean...

Here is Terry cementing in another one of the old terra cotta gutter pipes. These open pipes lead down to the foundation of the house, where the drains were supposed to lead the water out to the street (I think). What genius came up with that silly plan??? We hope this will help with the water that leaks into the foundation. We'll see during the next rainstorm.
For the time being, I am still mopping up the seeping water, from the foundation, and it seems that the water was also leaking through the window frames, down through the walls, and into the basement. Which means, we are contemplating having to get new windows, or caulking the hell out of them and seeing where that takes us.
Money pit...
Money tree???
Don't have one. 

On to small triumphs...
These transition plates have been leaned up against the dining room wall since we moved in, and Terry kept saying, "That's a Winter job". Tonight, I said, "It's Winter".

He got busy on the living room to dining room transition, and the stairs.

Meanwhile, I got busy on my latest mosaic tile project. We made a frame on the base of the landing shelf, upstairs, and now I will produce a mosaic masterpiece here.
Look at those stairs. Perfect. Those metal transition plates make all the difference.

Meanwhile, I am sorting tiles, toying with ideas, and feeling artist's block.
I will come up with something... I will. 

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