Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, Monday

Today was a busy Monday. I made some cupcakes for Mom's birthday tomorrow, vacuumed the whole house, called the plumber...

The plumber gave me unsettling news. They won't fix the bathtub liner, they will only put in a whole new tub, and this would require (practically) gutting the whole bathroom. Well, this is unacceptable, so Terry is on the case. He started out by removing this amazing drain snake. Yes, this is hair. Yikes, we've only lived here for a few months. He took the seal off the drain and we squished the water out from between the tub and the liner. Then he worked on sealing up the drain and the overflow.
We'll see what happens...
Then we spent the rest of the day taking care of car stuff...

Here we are at the dealership. Turning in my lease car for a new one. Why does it take so long ???

Sandy just had her first taste of wheeling & dealing. I think she liked it.

Here's the car I wanted...

Here's the car we came home with. It's the same model I had, just upgraded.
I am officially old.

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