Saturday, August 31, 2013

Robin's 49 and Likes to Play With Concrete Blocks

It was my Birthday, and my favorite sister surprised me with a dozen chocolate covered strawberries. I had one after lunch, after dinner; for breakfast this morning, after lunch, and after dinner again.
Shame on her...

Terry bought me a rock tumbler. I wanted one so bad, and we were both excited to try it out, but when we read the instructions and thought about the commitment we would be making, we ran to the store to return it. Neither of us realized exactly what goes into polishing rocks. It is a six week process, with a lot of babysitting, and lot's of electricity used.
Forget it...

Making good progress on the patio. One of the neighbors stopped by, and loved it. He actually came over to inquire about all of the rocks, and cement, and bricks we have around the yard. He said a friend of his would like to take some for projects he does. When he saw the patio I have been working on, he exclaimed, "That's what my friend does!" Apparently, I am not the only crazy person who recycles, reuses, and repurposes in the name of art.

I even dug up moss from parts of the yard to infuse into the cracks of the patio. Hope it takes hold. I love moss. Some people try so hard to be rid of it, but it is such a pretty filler, and no trimming required. I am now thinking about some Red brick trim around the patio.

This is the pile left, even after making the patio. Terry has been breaking his back, trying to clear out all of the concrete, rocks, and bricks. People drive by, and just stare at the mess in this yard. I wish they would stop staring, and offer to help out...

Here is the next part of the patio project. This missing slab of cement sits just off the porch, and is in the direct runway toward the garage. I think I have enough cement brick to lay in a connecting walkway. We'll see...
Tomorrow, we take the day off and go for a visit at Bob's.
Sometimes, it's good to just get away...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Dog's Life

I want to feel this free...
Hired Lowe's to put up the privacy fence (I couldn't believe it either).
Moved some more cement for my patio.
Waited all day for Art Van to deliver a chair (came at 7:00), and it has a tear in it, which means another phone call tomorrow. Ugh.
Made chicken for dinner.
Did two loads of laundry.
Cut Kevin's hair.
Dealt with the house insurance person, again.
I want to roll around in the grass...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Save a Little, Spend a Little

We have run into a serious brick wall here. We're not happy with any of the estimates for privacy fencing, the man never showed up about clearing out all of this debris, and we are still waiting for a decent tree removal estimate.
In the meantime, we have been trying to move rocks and cement ourselves; some of the prettiest rocks are going out into the front yard (border), and cement pieces are slowly being incorporated into my mosaic patio. This is slow, and heavy work, but, by God, it isn't costing us a cent !!!
Today, it rained, so Sandy and I went to the local Art Van and spent some of those cents...

Sandy finally found a dresser for herself (she has been searching for one for months). This beauty is all solid wood, and the top drawers have a mirror inlay. Beautiful, and only a couple hundred bucks (in the clearance center). One of the drawers was stuck and I made the warehouse guy fix it before I committed to buy it. Ha ha... victory.
Terry hates it when I say ha ha. He also hates it when I buy him things, but ha ha, I like to...

Promised him a recliner when we moved, and here it is. It has controls under the arm cushions (and a cup holder). It heats up, massages, and feels like sitting on a cloud.
Delivery tomorrow. Hope he likes it...

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Finally worked on the front yard landscaping today.

Went to English Gardens, and got some Hydrangea, rose shrubs, and Creeping Juniper.

Then we went to Home Depot and got a baby Japanese Maple, Pampas Grass, and as usual, not enough mulch.
And there's Mr. Gargoyle's happy new home.

And here it is, my special purchase; a Green Coneflower.
 I have screamed, "I hate Coneflowers" for as long as I can remember, but when I saw this amazing Green on Green specimen, I had to have it.
Go figure...
Now we need to work on the edging, and growing some missing grass.

Friday, August 23, 2013

My Realtor is a Great Guy

On this day, upon the closing of my old house, I must pay homage to my great friend and realtor, David. He has been a "touchstone" in my life since I was a teenager. He helped me find my first house (with first husband) back in the eighties. He helped me sell it five years later, and helped me find my second house (with second husband), and sell that five years later.
In the last ten years, he has helped me and Terry buy and sell three houses. Yes, I have realized that I have a tendency (and we affectionately call it the five year plan, as we seem to get antsy , and want to move every five years, or so).
David and my father were pseudo business partners, back in the day, and he became a close family friend. I call him a "touchstone" because he is always there. I could call him right now, and he would be there, or I could not speak to him for years, and he would still be there when I call upon him. I hate to admit that I probably take him for granted most of the time, but I will say it now; he is one of the greatest people I have ever known. His great spirit and easy going nature are infectious, and his loyalty is rare. 

Here is where we started the last house search, in Algonac, Michigan, a year and a half ago. Terry and I had some great notion of moving out to the boonies, on the water. David would drive anywhere we wanted, on a whim. We went to Marine City, we went to Clinton Twp., and we went to St. Clair Shores. After a few months of this silliness, we returned closer to our base. We looked at homes in Madison Heights, Warren, Center Line, Clawson, Royal Oak; we even dallied with Sterling Hgts. and Utica.
We looked through the Spring, and then the Summer, and then the Winter; and finally found "Project House".

I'm not sure how David retains his calm demeanor, but he does; house, after house, after house, and bid after lost bid.
Finally, we found the right house, and won the bid... and
Sold the old house in one day (I think he prayed about that one).
While we sat at the closing today, I felt thankful that I have someone so genuine in my life.
What a Great Guy.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Privacy Fence

Corner house... big stretch of fence.
Corner house... two dogs, and endless passers-by = big problem. 

Got my three estimates, and wow, how can they all be so different?
After looking over their proposals and researching their credentials, we actually think we're going with the highest bidder... It might be financially painful, but in the long run, this is an important purchase, and they seem most qualified for the job. We also visited our city inspector this afternoon, to pick his brain, and he is coming out tomorrow to help us follow codes for corner lots.

Terry drew up a lot plan which will help us figure out this fence dilemma.
We need to consider the city codes, hidden driveway, the trees, and the proposed gates.
All I know, is that I want privacy !!! 
Went over to the old homestead tonight, for the final walk-through. Tomorrow is closing, and we will finally be able to say good-bye. Can't wait to let go of the responsibility of two properties at the same time. Good bye Masch house. Thanks for the memories...
and the fat paycheck.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Little Things

My mother gave me some of her prized possessions. I've had my eye on this special tea cup & saucer for a long time. It was my Mother's, Mother's, Mother's... fortune telling tea cup. I wonder if any of the ladies who came before me actually tried it out...

Another passion of mine... paperweights... and this is a beauty.
I guess the other things are private and personal, and she knows what I mean, so just a thank you to mom, for the little things.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Backyard Tour

Oh my gosh, I might be crazy, but I am going to make this into a patio.
Now, let's take a tour around the back yard, to see where I am getting all of the
materials for this fabulous (crazy) patio project,
and other interesting stops...

Here we are, in the driveway, looking toward the front of the property.
There will be a privacy fence going up along this stretch, so all of the broken concrete, stones, and timber has to be removed for fence installation.
Oh my gosh. Can I ask for a Bobcat for my birthday?

This beautiful shrub is hiding a wall of broken concrete.

Maybe a vegetable garden here, next year...

More stones, and cement, and bricks all around here.

Not sure what this is, or once was, but now it is just a lot of
cement blocks, and bricks, and again, oh my gosh...

and here is a giant cinder block planter.
I just might get another hernia by the time I'm done here.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Too Much Work, Too Much Nature

It was so beautiful this morning, I decided to enjoy it. I thought it would be a nice, easy job to paint the rusty iron porch railings. Six hours later, I was still swirling the paintbrush around the spindles and filigree decoration. I had spots of Black Rustoleum all over me, and was quite sore from the different positions I had to get into in order to reach certain spots. When I was done, I looked over the job, and said, "Hmm, not the impact I hoped for".

When Terry finally found me crouched down next to the porch, painting away, he decided to work out front with me, and he finished cleaning out the front beds. He dug, he sawed, he roto-tilled.
And finally we are ready for some planting. Too bad, we're out of money. But, this forced waiting period is giving me some time to research the best shrubs to plant here, for the best long term results.

Eww !!! This is the giantest snail I have ever seen. I let the dogs out for their final run tonight, and this is what I see, crawling up the basement window.
Every house I have inhabited is different; one house was over-run with frogs, one house had Earwigs and monstrous Cicadas (they had human-like faces). and the last one had groundhogs and hawks.
So far, in this house, we have bats (one flew right at my head), lot's of centipedes, skunks, FLEAS, and now... giant snails.

Friday, August 16, 2013

A Whole Lotta Cement

This strange picture is about my strange plan to recycle old concrete. There is approximately five million tons of broken up concrete scattered around the yard, and I am determined to repurpose it. Terry is not happy about this, but I will make it look cool. (I promise, Terry).
I am making a patio out of the pieces, by placing them in a mosaic pattern. When it's done, I will throw sand in between the cracks, and maybe paint the concrete. We'll see...
All I can say is... It won't cost a cent...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Flat Tires & Giant Shrubs

The day started out with a flat tire. I would have been really disgusted, but the old Caddy needed new tires anyway, so this was the push we needed to get it done. Terry put on the spare, and off we went to the local Belle Tire.

It took an hour, so we took off walking down Vandyke toward Nine Mile.

Ended up at Stosh's Pizza...

Bought a couple slices and sat on the patio. It was such a beautiful day, we actually ended up having some fun. The pizza was awful, but the company was fine.

Here's our new "ten year" picture.

There she is, back home, safe and sound...

With four brand new tires.

After the car fun, we went over to the old/old house and did some yard work. Closing isn't for a couple of weeks, so we still have to keep up the old shack.

And this was my main mission, as this giant Dappled Willow gets out of control real quick.
Gardening Note: Never plant a Dappled Willow unless you enjoy constant trimming, or unless you plan to put it in a very spacious area. It is a beautiful and fast growing shrub, and I would have one again, but only in a really big empty spot.

The old home is looking good again.
So ready for closing !!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

When All of the Stars Align...

Terry and I are celebrating our ten year anniversary together on 8/14/2013.
We had our first official date on this day back in August of 2003. It wasn't really a date, but more like all of the stars coming into alignment at just the right moment.
It was the "Blackout of 2003" and I had met him before, but nothing had come of our acquaintance. On this dark night, the neighbors were hanging out on their porches with nothing better to do, so me and my girlfriend Lori went and banged on Terry's window to call him outside.
The rest is history. We talked, we laughed, and we kissed, under a black sky with a million stars, and I've loved him like crazy ever since.
Anyhoo... this is a picture of us in our first house. Now it's three houses later, and here we are in "Project House". One might say that we are the slowest house flippers ever, but it's really just the five year plan... Move every five years, no matter what.
Mushiness aside, while I wait out this Tigers game...I made some mini quiches for breakfast in the morning. But I want to eat one now.............

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's All in the Details

There she is, my new/old cabinet. Bob & Terry brought it home this morning. Needs some cleaning up...and a special note to mom... the first thing Sandy said was, "You should take the legs off".
(Hmm...ghost bubbles).

After they delivered the cabinet, we went back to mom's for some lunch.
Terry and Bob are old friends. They knew each other twenty years before I even met Terry. An amazing coincidence, a fun story to tell, and an easy transition for brothers-in-law.
Love them both, so much.

Tonight, Terry finished my cubbyholes, and I tried to do some painting, but Roxy decided that this was where she would take a nap.

"Do Not Disturb"

Cleaned up the cabinet, and put it in place, but funny thing... I can't figure out what to put on it.
Should it be for office stuff? Should it be for dishes? Should it be showy or useful???

After two months, I finally was able to remove the protective film off of the handle and controls.
(but I am leaving the film on the front for as long as I can get away with it).

Finally, I must point out the details. No one pays attention to the details, but they are the most time consuming little projects that bring it all together. We had to add a molding strip to the side of the dishwasher, and molding to the floor under the sink. We also had to raise the floor, and fix missing tile in front of the dishwasher.
Details, details... They take so much time.