Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time Marches On...

"The Tree Guys" showed up at 9:00 this morning, and got busy on two of the giant pine trees out back. There are actually seven giant pines in the backyard, and I was told that the original owner planted one for each of his seven children. It is a lovely sentiment, and they were probably beautiful in their day, but fifty years later, they are causing some problems. They have grown to monstrous proportions, drip sap everywhere, and most of them are dropping huge dead limbs.

These are the first two to go (due to financial constraints, they will be removed a couple at a time). The first two were chosen to go, in order for the new privacy fence, coming soon...
You can't see him, but there is a guy way up in that tree. Yikes!

There goes the top of the tree...

These guys brought in the big machinery for this job, and they were pretty amazing to watch. If you really pay attention to what they're doing, you realize that they earn every penny they make.

Both trees are down, and the clean up begins...

They had some pretty big limbs and trunks to carry away. Then they raked, and swept, and blew the driveway. I was pretty impressed with their clean up.

Last job was to grind the stumps down.
My daughter reminded me that I should plant a tree for every one that I take down, and she is right. I've already planted a Japanese Maple, and now I'm thinking dwarf Crabapple (love them in Spring).
 There will be a spot here, after the fence goes in, that will need some landscaping, and I will plant a tree there too. Maybe a Bradford Pear...
Time marches on...

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