Monday, April 1, 2013

Life Happens...

I don't know what Terry was doing today. He was in the basement making all sorts of noise, doing things that I don't understand. The bowels of the house sort of stuff; shut off valves, dummy covers, and open junction boxes ???
I don't even care what all of that means.
With all of the things that need to be done in this house, I decided to make it my mission to rid the dining room of this putrid Green color. I don't even care if the room isn't "ready" for painting, I just can't stand looking at these walls for one more day.

I did have to call him upstairs to dismantle this old ceiling fan.
Tomorrow, the window guy is coming to give an estimate on my foggy, double pane, dining room window.
Look what popped up in the garden!!!
Oops, change in plans. Had to take mom to the emergency room tonight, and they admitted her. She has swollen feet and is in a lot of pain. We'll wait for tests tomorrow.
House renovation rules:
Houses come and go,
Family always come first.

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