Finally took care of a "dead area". City code required the privacy fence to be offset, on an angle, which left a giant (weird) triangle space next to the driveway. We planted some decorative grasses and some perennial flowers, and lots of mulch. Voile'
The fireplace screen is done, and ready to be remounted, just a low priority project right now.
We're so determined to figure out the leaky basement situation, Terry decided to dig down to the foundation to see what's going on down there.
As long as we can't afford to build a patio here, we might as well find other things to amuse ourselves in this area...
Well, what we found was dry dirt and proper drainage; which means our leaky basement problem is definitely coming from somewhere else,
meaning, THE ROOF. The saga continues...
There she is...
Project House, looking good.
There are so many rocks. Rocks, rocks, and more rocks, all over the property. Might as well make use of them.
I love my rocks !!!
Thank you, Mr. Schoenherr.
Worked on this little corner space, by the fence gait. Collected up all of the flat river rocks I could find, to set into this traffic area.
Cleaned up alot of crab grass and trimmed up the bushes. Looks good as new.
This morning, I woke up to chopping noises. There's Terry (from the upstairs bedroom window), digging up stumps.
This became his mission for the day...
Here he is digging out the stump from a giant old Yew, that has plagued him since last Fall.
I got tired of his folly...
I sat in the backyard, taking pictures of random stuff.
Pretty planter...
And what do you know ??? He did it, he conquered the biggest stump ever.
He needs a special lunch...