Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Playing Catch Up

Have not felt much like writing lately,
 although much goes on everyday, just like always.
So here's my new toaster oven.
It is the most amazing invention ever.
The door opens upward on a swivel.
What a great idea.

Sandy and I went to the pumpkin store.
Got some funky gourds.

I added a little "Fall" to the mantle,
with some tiny pumpkins and some orangey flowers.

We carved the pumpkins...

but for the first year ever...
I refused to cook the pumpkin seeds.
(Sick of doing that).

Bought a birdfeeder...
but have not seen a bird go near it yet.
(the squirrels are trying to figure it out though).

Hard to see in this picture,
 but my morning glories are still going crazy.
They climbed up this tree
 and they just refuse to quit blooming.
I go out every morning just to look at them.

This last weekend,
 we winterized the patio.
Covered the barbeque,
 and wrapped the pergola canvas.
Took the chaise lounge chairs in,
 and fired up the snow blower...

Terry got the garage ready for winter...
cleared it out to fit the cars in when needed.

All of my pampas grasses are going to seed...
They are pretty in the wintertime.

Finally finished the vestabule.
This has been a really slow project.
We just weren't that into it.

But we layed the molding,
 and caulked, and painted,
 and it's finally done.

This is just one of four digital antennas.
We are going "off the grid!"
The cable company finally pissed me off
 enough to get rid of them.
So far, we have two TV's hooked up and
we are just fine with limited viewing.
Now we just have to get Sandy on board,
and I can cancel the cable.
We had Randazzo come out to fix the furnace,
 and it's still screwed up.
We bought a new thermostat...
still not working right.
Terry is pulling his hair out over this stupid furnace.
I called Randazzo today,
 and they are sending out a "senior" technician on Friday.
Just want this furnace crap to be over.
Cleaned and rearranged the living room.

There's the antenna for the TV...

A man who offers to vacuum,
 is a man who is truly appreciated...

Tonight, I watch the first game of the World Series...
"We're goin' off the grid !"

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