Tomatoes are starting to come in, slowly.
The garden is not very good this first year of planting, at Project House, but it's really hard to tell otherwise due to the unusually hard Winter, and cold Summer. Farmers and home gardeners are all complaining, so I guess it's just a bad year. The peppers are sparse,
and the cucumbers seem stunted, but we are getting some good zucchini.
Our financial situation is definitely causing a stop on all projects. There are so many things left on hold right now, which is hard for me and Terry because projects are what we thrive on. Basement bathroom, base molding throughout the house, and finishing the patio are high on the list, but all we can do is wander around feeling depressed about the things we can't afford. Ugh.
Terry updated an outside electrical outlet, and then I made him feel bad for spending a few dollars on it. He wanders around the house fretting about the leaky basement and the crumbling foundation, and I say, "Please stop, we cannot do anything right now, so just let it go".
This is why we call ourselves, "The Slowest House Flippers Ever". We're gung-ho, then our cash flow runs dry, and we are left to drib and drab until we finally get things done (5 years later).
Then we sell, make a profit, and the cycle continues.
On a lighter note, haven't seen one of these since I was a kid...
Saw this herb wreath on Amazon for $200.00.
I made it for $20.00.
Ha ha.