Oh my goodness !
Two days of bloated blowhards sitting at my dining room table.
We had a third estimate scheduled,
and cancelled because we couldn't take it anymore.
Apparently, a roof now costs the same as a built in pool
or a whole addition onto your house.
My brother came through with a guy who would do the job for half the price,
but I don't have cash.
So either way,
there will be no roofing done here.
Poor Terry will throw some shingles on the little porch cover he made,
and call it a day.
Handling his brother's Social Security applications
and doctors appointments...
Getting armed to fight the finance company
on my lease car damage assessment...
Making sure my disabled son's Social Security
and Medicare are in order...
Oops, no time for my Wednesday
Diagramless crossword puzzle...
Mom's paperwork, garage door opener manual,
and other stuff,
waiting for attention...
And, the Center Line sidewalk repair program,
which is going to sock us with $1,200 worth of new sidewalk slabs...
I need a secretary to keep track of all this paperwork
that litters my dining room table every day.
Bills, and checks, and statements, and estimates;
ongoing battles, and rebate slips.
Grocery lists, and birthday lists;
lists of priorities, lists of wishes,
and a list to keep track of all of those lists.
I need to remember to buy more notepads for lists...