Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Introduction to the New/Old House

Here it is, the new... old house.

Well, this is the backside, but you get the gist, it's a 1949 brick house, with basement. 1,600 sq. ft. of hot mess. When you walk in to it, you realize that it has not been renovated...ever.
My internet detective work revealed that the family that resided here was Jim and Florence Schoenherr, and that they had six girls and one boy. I am not sure how all of those people fit into this house, but I guess they managed.
Further investigation revealed that Jim Schoenherr grew up down the street from this very house, and his father and mother had eleven children, and lived in an even smaller house !!!
I love the fact that this family had deep roots in the community and that they raised their families here. It propels me to return this house to a condition that they would be proud of.

First Things First...

Here it is. The thing that almost scared me away, but it didn't. We are going to change this old boiler over to a forced air heating system. This is the first and most important project we will be focusing on...